Wednesday, September 29, 2010

my baby sister

Mayra Aguiniga
Gaylene Crocker
My Baby Sister
            “I think she’s coming my mother yelled”. Shocked, I looked at my mother, and said “but it’s not time yet; you still have three weeks till delivery day”.
My mother Rosa was 42 years old at the time she found out she was pregnant. My sister Yizel was 11 and I was 17. I remember the day my mom told us she was expecting a baby as if it were yesterday. We were sitting in the table waiting for her to serve dinner. My dad Miguel and my mom Rosa looked at each other very suspiciously, and said “Mayra and Yizel we have something to tell you”. Not knowing what to expect both of us said, “what’s going on”? My mom looked very frightened, and tears came out of her eyes. I started to worry and wondered if everything was ok. Then very softly she said, “I’m pregnant.” My dad interrupted her and said, “We are very happy to be expecting another girl”.
But something appeared wrong my mom didn’t seem to be so happy. So I decided to wait till we were both alone, and asked her what was really mortifying her. She then told me she was really ashamed of being pregnant at her age. My mom thought she was too old to be expecting a baby. She also said she was really horrified of what people were going to say once they found out she was pregnant. I then looked at her, and said to her “Mom it doesn’t matter what they say or think. What matters is that we are all here to support you, and we are going to be with you every step of the way”.
Ever since that day the excitement my mom carried for the expectance of my baby sister became visible. My sister and me would check off the calendar every day that would pass by. Month by month passed by and the day for her to be born seemed closer and closer.
I month before my little sister was expected to be born my mom was having contractions. It all happened so quick at first. We went over to the emergency room; they called her name, and then she and my dad went in. After that the entire wait seemed like eternity. Time was passing by so slow! My sister and I sat, laid down, stood up, and time didn’t seem to go by any faster. The waiting room was so cold it felt like if I was in Antarctica with out a sweater. My dad would come out to inform us how the delivery was going. He would say “She’s going to be here any minute now”. Then he would go back inside. Two hours later he would come back, and again he would say “your baby sister is going to be here any minute now”
At about midnight I was so worn-out everything appeared to be going in circles. I took some Advil, and then went in to see my mom. Desperate I told her “Mom I want my baby sister to be born already”. She then said “any minute now”. Tired of hearing that; I nodded my head, and went back to the waiting room. After waiting for a lifetime. Which was more like seven hours, but for sure had felt like a lifetime. I herd a deep strong voice calling my name “Mayra”. Not knowing it was my mom’s doctor. Very aggravated I turned my head towards the voice, and said “yes”.  He then said “congratulations you have a beautiful…” My sister and I didn’t let him finish. We ran into the room were my mom was staying at.
We saw my mom and gave her a big hug and a kiss. Then we congratulated her and asked her where was my little sister at. She then told us they had taken her for a regular check up. I wanted to know everything! How she looked, if she was chubby, and how tall was she. Throwing a million questions at my mom. She said, “Slow down all your questions are going to be answered as soon as you see her”
Anxiously I waited. The nurse came in with my little sister in her arms. I couldn’t really see her at first, but then she laid her down on the bed. I saw her for the first time and couldn’t believe my eyes. Guadalupe, as my mom named her was the cutest baby ever. Her eyes were wide open. Her face was really round and her skin was as soft as a rose pedal. She was so small, and had only measured 16 inches.
The doctor came in the room and gave my mom all the paper work that she had to fill out. Then I decided to ask the doctor if I could carry my little sister. He with a big smile said “of course”. I held her in my arms and couldn’t believe she was finally here after all that time we had to wait. I wanted to give her a big tight hug, but I knew I couldn’t because she was so small and fragile. My mom and Guadalupe still had to stay their since it was a normal routine for every new born.
My mom asked if I was happy. I crying of excitement responded, “Yes I am” and told her I was going to be the best oldest sister ever. She very happy said “I’m really proud of you Mayra and I know that you are going to be a great example for Yizel and Guadalupe”. I felt so happy, but at the same time pressured to set a good example for them two.
The next day Guadalupe was ready to go home. We put her in the car seat, and of we went. We got home, and saw that there in the house waiting for us were all my aunts, uncles, and family friends. They had prepared a barbeque to welcome my baby sister. My dad and my mom thanked them and decided to toast for my baby sister being born. In the night I went to take Guadalupe into her crib. I gave her a big kiss and went of to sleep.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Interviewing Maricruz Magana

Interview of Maricruz
I had the pleasure of interviewing Maricruz Magana. Maricruz went to Santa Paula High School. She said she loved her senior year in high school, especially because she played soccer and got to be captain of the varsity team. She graduated in 2009.Maricruz explained that she has been playing soccer almost all her life. She started at the age of 9 in a team in Santa Paula; were she has been living most of her life. At the beginning she wasn’t so good, but she never gave up and kept playing until she started getting better and better.
             Maricruz is now 19 years old and attends Oxnard College. She still lives in Santa Paula which makes it harder for her because she has to drive all the way to Oxnard but that is not holding her back from going to Oxnard college. Maicruz is studying to major in Sociology. She also plays soccer at OC. She said that one of the main reason why she plays soccer for Oxnard College is because she loves all the girls on the team. They are really friendly and nice. She juggles her time between school, soccer and she also has a job! Maricruz works at Summer Camp in Santa Paula. She said it was very hard at first, but she got use to it now.
In the future Maricruz hopes to graduate from OC and transfer on to a four-year university. She said that she wants to play soccer for whatever university she transfers too. After that she wants to find a home and hopefully by then get married and form a family. She also said that she wants to be coaching a little girl’s soccer team.

Monday, September 13, 2010

texting while driving

Texting while Driving
Texting has become more and more popular amongst human beings. Kids, teenagers, adults, and even elderly people use texting know more than talking. Texting can be an easier way to communicate with people. Teenagers especially have taken texting as their number one way of communication. Not realizing they can cause accidents, they tend to text and talk while driving. texting while driving has caused millions of car accidents all over the world. 
            Many accidents have occurred because teenagers are texting while driving. A lot of people have died and been seriously injured. Statistics say that each year, 21% of fatal car crashes involving teenagers between the ages of 16 and 19 were the result of cell phone usage. This result has been expected to grow as much as 4% every year. As a result cops all over the world are becoming seriously worried that this numbers could get higher. They decided to enforce a new law and give tickets to every person they see texting while driving. I for example, got a ticket just two weeks ago for texting while driving. As a lot of teenagers I thought texting and driving was not risky at all and that I couldn’t cause any accidents. But I learned that this could lead to serious accidents and even deaths. Even though the police is enforcing this law teenagers continue to text while driving thinking this cant cause any harm to others around themTexting while Driving

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Reality Shows

Reality Shows

Even though some people say reality shows are bad. They still watch them. Jersey Shore, Teen Mom, and Keeping Up with the Kardashians, are all very popular reality shows that most teenagers like to watch. My favorite reality show is keeping up with the Kardashians. This show involves all the members of the famous Kardashians family. This show is one of the few guilty pleasures of mine. I enjoy watching it because they are really funny, and they keep me interested on what’s going to happen next. Is like I have to watch every episode of it, because if I don’t I get lost and don’t know what’s happening in the show. Their was a time where I tried limiting my self to watching reality shows or any TV in general, but that didn’t really go as planned. The first days I was really motivated and hardly watched any. As weeks passed I kept on saying, “I’m only going to watch for half an hour”. I kept increasing the time gradually until I didn’t keep track of it. I was watching whole episodes of the reality shows. Now I don’t have as much time to watch TV, but I watch reality shows when ever I have a chance.

I personally think that reality shows have a good side to them but can also have a bad side. They are bad because they encourage a lot of improper language an inappropriate behavior. Reality shows make life appear as if is full of drama and luxury. They also try to excuse inappropriate behavior, by making it seem cool and in style. A great example of this would have to be Jersey Shore. This show is full of drama and involves a lot of promiscuous partying. This is what attracts a lot of audience to keep on watching the show. I really like a few of the reality shows that try to put some kind of educational purpose to it. One of the shows that does this is Teen Mom. It shows how your life can drastically change if you decide to have unprotected sex. It also shows how hard life can be if you have a baby at a young age. No matter what reality shows are always going to be popular, because people like these kinds of shows.
